Resources for Architects & Designers in the AEC
Course Offerings
Start learning today. Explore the complete course library here. Not finding what you’re looking for? Let us know here so we can refine our existing courses or consider your topic for future releases. See you on the inside, stay curious my friend!

Revit Core Practice 1.0
your comprehensive playbook for the industry's leading BIM tool
This flagship offering comes packed with 5 sections, 53 lessons, and 19.5 hours of curated high-value training. Designed to equip you with all the foundational skills you need to model in Revit, you’ll be realizing your design solutions and collaborating in harmony with your team in no time. This course is specifically tailored to architects & interior designers but the basics of Structural & MEP design is included with the goal to express design intent.
Perfect for you if this is your first exposure to Revit or if you want to re-tool your skills to have the latest best practices. In general the material is aimed at serving emerging professionals 0-7 years industry experience but all are welcome!
The teaching style is outcome-driven or scenario-based meaning you get examples shown in the context of what you’ll face in daily practice. I’ve structured the material to be easy to search & refer back to later.

Tutorial Starter Pack
revit, Rhino, & Grasshopper Tutorials in a structured learning system.
Take advantage of the 7fold Academy learning environment by enrolling today for FREE. I’ve packaged the complete library of videos available on YouTube here so you can track progress and access other resources such as scripts, cheat sheets, and other helpful DT-related content!
This is a great way to find other like-minded designers also learning in a safe, creative, private community environment. Learn at your own pace, ask questions, and help others find solutions. See you on the inside!
Mission Statement
A letter from Timothy Halvorson:
January 1st, 2024
I created the 7fold Academy to bridge the increasing gap between the demands of architecture practice and the increasing complexity of technology trained through the lens of real world scenarios. Over the past 11 years in the AEC industry, I’ve witnessed this need first hand in my experience performing day-to-day design tasks all the way to the big picture strategic needs for firms looking to differentiate their practice, invest in their people, and nurture a culture of high performance design.
Through this I discovered that by harnessing technology, you can unlock your unique creative voice and buy back precious time. I saw this in myself and thousands of designers just like you who I was privileged to help. I saw how these moments of discovery reignited a love for our craft in composing guest experiences (not just putting a water-tight roof overhead!). Over time I witnessed the results compound to where a designer could realize their best work on higher quality projects while maintaining a healthy life-work balance. Pretty sweet, huh?
In short, I’m passionate about you– the creative designer, the visionary architect, the passionate emerging professional seeking to leave their mark on the built environment. That’s why I created 7fold. Here the goal is to be your go-to industry resource for design technology and unlock your fullest potential as a designer. Together, we achieve this through a blend of carefully curated self-paced courses mixed with consulting service to both upskill what you need to know but also how to apply that knowledge in practice. I’m obsessed with optimizing your creative workflows by leveraging the best tools & techniques available in the market today.
Every grand vision has a day of humble beginnings. At this time I am operating all aspects of the business myself and will do my best to respond to emails, topic requests, and other customer success related inquiries.
With that in mind, for the first 100 designers that enroll in a course, I’m offering an additional (6) 1-hr group training sessions FREE for being part of the founding pilot group. Each session is valued at $1000 but is included for these early adopters. I want to personally ensure you succeed in getting a 10x return on your investment that I’m happy to make this opportunity available.
Together I know we can achieve great things and bring the AEC into an even brighter future! My hope is this becomes a place of community, collaboration, creativity, and curious discovery. This resource is about taking what took me years to master and impart those skills in a matter of months (if not weeks!).
Join me and start to unlock your creativity through the power of design technology TODAY.
See you on the inside.
As always- stay curious my friend,
I'm Timothy Halvorson.
I’m an expert technologist in the AEC industry, trained in architecture since starting practice in 2013. My passion is to unlock your creative potential, expression, and efficiency through harnessing the best tools available in the market today. I’m obsessed with catalyzing innovation in the hearts & minds of curious designers like yourself!
I know true transformation across a project, a firm, or the whole industry only happens when each one of us chooses to change as an individual.
Ready to dive deeper? You can engage me here at 7fold to either (1) enroll in one or more courses at the 7fold Academy or (2) request consulting service here.
Hey there!